Sally Ogden
Sally Ogden is a colorful, energetic and charismatic teacher and premier speaker with over 32 years of experience in the classroom. As a trusted authority in this field and through her close observations of students and behaviors within and outside the classroom, Sally has developed techniques that allow children to work and learn at their ultimate best.
Having taught French, Spanish and Psychology in the public schools, she spent most of her tenure at Chatfield Senior High School in Jefferson County, Colorado. She previously taught 13 years at Dunstan Middle School.
Ogden directs workshops, inservices, and conferences for teachers and parents throughout the United States. People who have heard her speak say that a day with Sally flies by with lots of laughs and great stories. They leave with practical tools that they can’t wait to use. She has even received standing ovations after presenting at required teacher inservices!
In 1999, Sally filmed the video, “No Thanks, I Just had a Banana!”, a video DVD which is designed to be used in classrooms to help students learn how to handle bullies.
She followed the book, “Words Will Never Hurt Me, Helping Kids Handle Teasing, Bullying and Put Downs.” Her audio CD, “Thank God it’s Monday!” was recorded to help teachers manage their classrooms without the disruptions that interrupt learning while improving the classroom climate and relationships.
Her new audio CD, “When They Push Your Button, Don’t let it Ring your Bell!” is intended for parents who would like to be able to empower their children to handle bullying and protect them for its potential devastating effects.
“No Thanks I Just Had a Banana!” was re-made and updated in the spring of 2012.